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      540 Oak Centre Dr,
      Suite 114
      San Antonio, TX 78258

      Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Restoration San Antonio, TX

      San Antonio's #1 Stem Cell Hair Restoration Specialist

      Stem Cell Hair Restoration San Antonio TX

      Is your hair falling out in clumps and clogging up the shower drain? Having you been seeing way too much of your scalp lately? You’re not alone. Approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair by the age of 50, and up to two-thirds of women experience hair loss after menopause.

      With age, genetics, stress, hormones, and environmental toxins working against you, you need a hair restoration treatment powerful enough to disrupt any type of hair loss without the side effects of pharmaceuticals or the risks and costs of surgery. You need stem cell therapy.

      The advantages of stem cells are so abundant, that Dr. Williams specializes in delivering both umbilical cord and adipose stem cell therapy for hair restoration.

      Why are stem cells important? Sit down with Dr. Williams and he’ll share two decades of research and practical wisdom about the science and art of restoring a thick, shiny head of hair – naturally.

      Schedule your appointment at the Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center by calling (210) 985-1700 or contact us here today.

      Types of hair loss

      We all experience some temporary telogen effluvium – hair loss at the root that grows back. But other types of hair loss are not so temporary:

      • Male pattern baldness: genetic sensitivity to the androgen hormone by-product dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes hair loss to begin at the hairline
      • Female pattern baldness: genetic sensitivity to DHT which causes hair loss to begin at the part
      • Alopecia: autoimmune attack on hair follicle cells, causing potentially body wide hair loss

      To a large extent, your genes and your age determine whether or not you experience hair loss, but these factors also come into play:

      • Stress
      • Environmental factors (airborne toxins and UV radiation)
      • Lifestyle choices (nicotine, THC, and alcohol)
      • Autoimmune conditions
      • Vitamin, mineral, protein or fat deficiency
      • Hormonal imbalance

      How do stem cells work to restore your hair?

      First, Dr. Williams will analyze your age, medical history, environment, and lifestyle to determine which type of cells he should use for your treatment.

      He may decide you’re a good candidate for umbilical cord cells, which are donated by screened mothers after they give birth. Umbilical cord blood has high amounts of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and hematopoietic stem cells. Both are pluripotent – they can become any type of cell in your body – as well as immunogenic, so they’re unlikely to be rejected.

      He may decide to extract a sample of your adipose (fat) using liposuction, then spin it in a centrifuge to isolate the stem cells and cytokines. Extracting your aging cells may be painful and done more than once.

      When Dr. Williams strategically injects stem cells into your scalp, they release unique proteins called growth factors and cytokines which respond to distress signals sent out by your damaged hair follicle cells.

      These growth factors stimulate your dormant cells to repair themselves, opening up blood vessels and creating new ones to increase blood flow to your scalp.

      Stem Cells - The Future of Medicine

      Your stem cell hair restoration procedure

      At your first appointment, Dr. Williams will discuss your medical history and treatment goals to determine whether you’re a good candidate for stem cell therapy.

      If you are, he’ll ask you to get plenty of sleep, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and eat a healthy diet before your procedure to keep your immune system strong. The stem cell injection is a relatively painless procedure with little down-time.

      Results of your therapy may take a few weeks or months, and will vary depending on your age, general health, lifestyle, environment, diet, and aftercare.

      Reserve your appointment

      What are stem cells used for? At the Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center, they’re a natural hair loss restoration solution for patients of all ages with all types of hair loss. To ensure you receive the best stem cell treatments for baldness available, call Dr. Williams at (210) 985-1700 or contact us here.

      Our Location

      The Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center
      540 Oak Centre Dr, Suite 114
      San Antonio, TX 78258
      Phone: (210) 985-1700

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