Do you ever get irritated by the constant upkeep that body hair requires? Tweezing, shaving, and waxing are costly and time-consuming matters. Thankfully, The Wellness and Aesthetics Medical Center offers top-of-the-line laser hair reduction, so that you can get rid of the hair and get on with your life.
With laser hair reduction, unwanted hair can be removed quickly and easily from anywhere on the body. Using new highly-specialized technology, hair is removed effectively and with the fewest number of treatments.
Laser technology can remove hair from just about any area of the body, but most common locations include:
Laser hair reduction is where technicians use heated light to damage the deepest portions of the hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin. This process hinders future hair growth.
Four weeks prior to laser hair reduction, patients should refrain from waxing, tweezing or tanning the treatment area. Laser hair reduction has no recovery period, so patients can resume daily activities as soon as they leave the office.
If you are interested in laser hair removal from The Wellness and Aesthetics Medical Center, please call (210) 985-1700 today to book an appointment.
The Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center
540 Oak Centre Dr, Suite 114
San Antonio, TX 78258
(210) 985-1700